Saturday, May 14, 2011

Forever you will be in my heart.
Forever, I knew that from the start.

Forever I will love you.
Forever, ´cause this love was so true.

Forever you will be in my dreams.
Forever, do you know what that means?

Forever there will be sorrow in my heart.
Forever, ´cause forever we will be apart.

Forever you will see a tear in my eye.
Forever, ´cause this love will never die.

Forever I will be thinking of you.
Forever, for this dream will never come true.

Forever you'll be a part of me.
Forever, ´cause you are the one and only for me.

Forever this heart will beat for you.
And when it stops Forever, my final dream will come through.

Then I'll be forever with you my dear.
Forever I'll be near ... ♥ ♥ !!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

All I can remember,
Is the long cold nights

When I was cold you'd hold me by your side,
When I got a gust of wide, you'd always help me hide.

Now that the Winter days aren't always cold,
It feels like you holding me just got sold.

I've tried so hard to get close to you,
But now we're unglued I don't know what to do.

When I fall you don't help me up,
When we're by the fire, you don't bring me coco, now it's just 7up.

I'm scared of what to do in the summer.
You won't hold me close, it's going to be warm, It's going to be a bummer.

But I'll always remember the Winter shine,
Because back then I could always call you mine ... ♥ ♥ !!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Cant Get You out of My head
No Matter how i try
I Still love You
Even when you make me Cry,

...I want You in my Arms
I want you to be Mine
But You don't want me Now
You says it's Not our Time,

I Hate the fact I love You
And that i cant Get You out of My Mind
I hate that every time i think of You
My heart flutters and My eyes Cry,

I 'd rather Cry and mope and Whine
Than call You to get things Straight
Because somewhere in my Heart
I know Its already Too Late .. ♥ ♥ !!