Friday, December 17, 2010

My first crush

well....It's been quite a long time I haven't posted anything....uhh...!! was bit busy with the real hard covered books which contain questions whose hardness can't be described in words....some poets have tried their hand in it but alas....!!they didn't get the success in describing the pain which these books gives....well leave this thing I am already having so much of it....I am here to share something really interesting....which is really liked by people...hmmm.....well...yeah you are getting it rite ....I am talking about my first CRUSH.....<3
well I don't remember much about was when I was in class 8.....I never knew about these things....all I used to know was my syllabus books and mischief with my friends this is what I had in my life totally unaware of these things called LOVE,ATTRACTION,CRUSHES,...and all these things which I found filmy kinda things...although my friends had their bf's n gf's but i was miles away from these idiotic things..yeah I found this totally idiotic...
suddenly my views changed....when I saw him for the first time I was stunned by his presence I couldn't move my eyes off him...he totally mesmerized me his looks his aroma made me forget everything that time all I could see was was my friend's birthday and we were gathered to celebrate his birthday and make this event rocking just like other one's....i started Analising things in filmy way....I used to think about him for the whole day...that was a kinda hangover on me i was totally lost....whenever my friend's took his name or discussed about him I had a sensation within me.....
After some days he went to some other place and I forgot about him........later I realized that he was my FIRST CRUSH.......but now that crush has been crushed...and I don't remember anything......well looking forward to happen something interesting in my life and hope this doesn't get crushed............HOPINNNGGGGGGGGGG....................:)

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