Wednesday, December 22, 2010


When I think about what we used to be,
I cry and cry in spite of me.
It just seems crazy that was just last year,
Just last year I barely cried one tear.

Now I'm just hoping maybe tomorrow,
Maybe tomorrow there'll be no more sorrow.
Maybe tomorrow you'll give me a glance,
Mybe tomorrow you'll give me one last chance.

Maybe tomorrow you'll give me a call,
Maybe tomorrow I won't cry at all.
Maybe tomorrow you'll hug me tight,
Maybe tomorrow you'll kiss me good night.

Maybe tomorrow you'll take back my heart,
Maybe you'll give me a brand new start.
I'm living with dreams that won't come true,
For you will never love me as I love you.

Friday, December 17, 2010

My first crush

well....It's been quite a long time I haven't posted anything....uhh...!! was bit busy with the real hard covered books which contain questions whose hardness can't be described in words....some poets have tried their hand in it but alas....!!they didn't get the success in describing the pain which these books gives....well leave this thing I am already having so much of it....I am here to share something really interesting....which is really liked by people...hmmm.....well...yeah you are getting it rite ....I am talking about my first CRUSH.....<3
well I don't remember much about was when I was in class 8.....I never knew about these things....all I used to know was my syllabus books and mischief with my friends this is what I had in my life totally unaware of these things called LOVE,ATTRACTION,CRUSHES,...and all these things which I found filmy kinda things...although my friends had their bf's n gf's but i was miles away from these idiotic things..yeah I found this totally idiotic...
suddenly my views changed....when I saw him for the first time I was stunned by his presence I couldn't move my eyes off him...he totally mesmerized me his looks his aroma made me forget everything that time all I could see was was my friend's birthday and we were gathered to celebrate his birthday and make this event rocking just like other one's....i started Analising things in filmy way....I used to think about him for the whole day...that was a kinda hangover on me i was totally lost....whenever my friend's took his name or discussed about him I had a sensation within me.....
After some days he went to some other place and I forgot about him........later I realized that he was my FIRST CRUSH.......but now that crush has been crushed...and I don't remember anything......well looking forward to happen something interesting in my life and hope this doesn't get crushed............HOPINNNGGGGGGGGGG....................:)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Those final three hours

Hey guyz, you must be thinking what is the story behind those three final hours.I know that you must be resembling it to the dialogues spoken by Shahrukh "those seventy minutes" from the movie CHAK DE INDIA,well this is somehow related to that situation which have it's own importance
Well those three final hours refers here the hour which I spent in the examination hall....yes in the examination hall....!! shocked...?on reading masti in examination hall...well nothing to be about .I had a great experience giving exams which had really created havoc in my mind of course not only in mine only but in my family and teachers as well because they expect a lot from me,I have tried my best to stand up on their expectation.
Well these exams days were not at all matter of concern for me ,in fact in contrary I enjoyed myself a lot which I think is not a bad thing to be experienced and to get rid of that bloody tension.
Apart from the students from our school there were other students from different schools as well.I thought the atmosphere in that hall was funny......yes u read correct funny ....funny in the sense ,there were various funny element which I experienced well there was a girl who was really not like us.she seemed like a student who must be doing her graduation anything for higher studies followed by a girl of the same school who always came late at 10:30 when we used to start with our struggle with the question paper and the really mind trashing questions which it had. still that girl had attracted my attention within.....hey wait not only mine okay but of course of the whole class .she had 6 hair pins attached 2 her hair but still her hair was out of her and my friend always used to talk about that girl.I know you may find it kiddish and quite girlish but I can't help it because I am also a girl and girls loves doing gossips as you know but the fact us that I am also a girl who somehow can't stop herself from getting in to it.Apart from these things we used to have teachers who always tried to act as a giants but actually they were not at all successful in that ,we more smarter than what they figured out.The so called hunks of my class were successful in doing their job which obviously was cheating ,they did it at their fullest,alas....!! I wasn not able to actually i wanted to but I didn't get enough time to execute my cheating plans.
I know you lay find it quite kiddish but this what I experienced n which worked as a stress buster for me and kept me going in my wartime...!!
rest I'll write later till then goodies.

Monday, March 22, 2010

My friends-my life

FRIENDS-A seven letters word which holds a whole world in it.They are the those elements which is the integral part of my life.My friends are my world .they adds up to my life,I have enjoyed my each and every moments with them.They are those precious treasures which I'll like to keep safe at any cost.
I guess I am lucky because I got such freinds who are so understabding,very supporting.It's hard to explain their dementality in words.THEY are the deattachable element of my life.
MY best frieds
Yes you noticed rite,It's friend(s),usually we have only one who is best,but in my case there are two,yes two I have two best friends who are the bestest.
Neil is a very decent boy.with an amazing sense of humour, he is a fabulous jazz performer and a fabulous guitarist too.He is my childhood friend,I met him when I was in class 5th.He is the one,who keeps me going through any situation, we have shared laughter.sorrows.embarrasing moments everything. He is my equal partner in all my pranks.
Apart from all these he is a sensible guy and a great human being to be with .Now-a -days he is not here and I miss him in every situation.
Yeah bander,actually he is Anoop but I call him bander .Well I have no words to explain about this guy.He is far from any any explanation,but still I wanna tell you guys about him,well he is not my childhood friend,I met him about a year back,and in this very small time he has become my best friend who understands me more than me,he has always been with me ,he has always been with me in any situation of mine.
He is so emotional,that I can get him by my side in any situation.It's like a child's play for me.He is a guy with a golden heart,who has love for all.I can never hide anything from him so I tell him everything like a pupet.
And yes he plays a part time advisor too.
Super 8
Super 8 is the name of my group.we are 8 friends or ypu can say 8 items
Item1- Shivani aka Hitler- She is a girl with glares,who can do anything to get the things by her side her favour and to squeeze our ears is her favourite pass time.
item2-Srishti aka chuhiya-She is a big mischievous girl just like me,she is also equal partner of mine in all the pranks and bunks.
yes she plays goos basket ball and is crazy for shahid kapoor.
item3-Supriya aka supu-Supu is a happy go lucky nature girl always ready to help others
item4-Karan aka puma-He is a studious and fun loving too.Great guy to be with and again he's also my partner in all the pranks,bunks and in making people annoy,we even started a game show called DARE TO ANNOY.
item5-Gaurav aka murga-Diplomatic person and a fabulous cricketer and we call him Einstien too.
item6-Monica aka drama queen-we call her drama queen because she keeps on crying,she has unlimited stalk of tears.Apart from all this she has good looks boys go crazy on her.She is a little slow, her plane takes time to take off
item7-Ankit aka anky-Anky is a simple guy with cool attitude.He is a ideal for many boys.
item8-Me-I think you all know about me,and if you don't than read in about me in my will come to know.
So.It was my bunch of friends who are the cause of my life.
will tell you more later till den goodies.

Friday, March 12, 2010

First Scolding...

Hello...!friends this time i am gonna share some crispy talks with you i wanna tell about my FIRST SCOLDING although it was a scolding which obviously not liked by any one but i liked that scolding very much....
School Days are very precious days we share some delightful moments we have lots of mas ti and do many notorious things....
my image in my class n among my teachers was of a sincere studious girl totally concerned about studies....but actually this was not the true picture of the whole story..I discovered the second phase of mine,when i got some fantastic and cool friends....I spent some cheerful moments with them in a rocking style...
I got scolded first time ever by my teacher Mrs.Reena although i don't want to call her "mam"because my heart never felt respect for her..It was the days of mid-may while all other students were on their vacations enjoying with their family and friends...we were made to come to school to attend the classes as we were to appear in "Board Exams".Those days went quite well but on the last day when our classes were about to over and we were to have our vacations finally with lots of homework of and my friends experienced a trouble...we were out from the class spending some time and sharing some cheerful moments in our School canteen suddenly our teacher saw us and she called us in her office and it was the first time when I was standing in her office for this kind of reason.At that moment i didn't feel good as I felt it was a black spot on my reputation....but after some days when we talked about this incident we all were laughing by our heart,sometimes when I remember that day I feel happy that I went out and all this happened otherwise i would have deprived of this experiencing this joy...
really we all should have some kind of things to remember and laugh upon on it later...well friends this was just the beginning of my mas ti I have lot more to share with you and that all will happen later...have patience...{ehehehehe} I'll be back soon....till then goodies...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fantasy world

Firstly i would like to make you people understand about my fantasy i have written on the top FANTASY WORLD well i am in quandary to explain you as it's quite tough though simple to explain you about my fantasies....well....i am a big fantast i have lots of dreams which of course i would love to achieve them n will fight for it by 'tooth and nail'....i would like to tell about the quantum of my life...
Everyone dreams n as it's said "the more you dream,the more you get" i believe in this saying because when we will think of something only then we would try to get that to our side....i have dreamt a lot as i said earlier that i am a big fantast....i have many dear ones by my side who encourage me to move on with my's hard to explain about there dementality...they make me believe that my fantasy world exists in real's quite true that dreams somehow gets fade in front of reality but i still believe that dreaming is worth rather than believing in the things without giving a try to get them by our side,it's necessary to give wings to our thoughts because it's the only way to fly high in the sky of success....SO FRIENDS START THINKING ABOUT ON THIS..on this note i would take your leave friends but will be back soon with lots of crispy gossips and much more interesting talks....till den bye...goodies...